Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Battle of the Books 2017!

Our middle schoolers had so much fun at their first Battle of the Books last year (kindly hosted by Overlake School) that we're inviting students from Overlake as well as St. Thomas School to come to our campus in early March this year to engage in (friendly) battle!


The goal of Battle of the Books, a popular activity nationwide, is to encourage students to branch out and read adventurously. The questions aren't nitpicky ones that take the joy out of reading by expecting you to remember minute details about each title; instead they aim to pique your interest by highlighting what is fun, interesting and unusual about each book.

The thirteen books shown here were chosen by students and librarians at all three schools. They represent a range of genres and exemplify high-quality writing and strong appeal for readers in grades 5 and up. 



You don't have to plan to participate to enjoy reading these titles. We have multiple copies of each in the Library Learning Commons - stop by sometime and take one home! But if you do want to join Team Bobcat, come to the LLC during lunch on Monday, February 13th for our last meeting before the Battle commences!

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