Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Traveling around the world with stories

Yesterday we had a wonderful time with Dr. Margaret Read MacDonald! In the morning, grades K-4 heard stories from Tanzania, Scotland, Denmark and Panama. Middle school students had an assembly featuring stories from Borneo, England and Indiana (from Dr. MacDonald's own family history).

She also taught four storytelling workshops, getting us started with basic stories we can share at home and in our school community! 7th graders learned stories from West Africa and the Makah tribe. 4th grade learned to tell a folktale from China in groups of three (tandem telling), while 3rd graders learned a Ganesh story from India in groups of four. Several enthusiastic staff members stayed after school to learn two stories from Thailand and one from Eastern Europe.

Research shows the value of storytelling - it helps lessons "stick" in our minds in a vivid way! Dr. MacDonald's extensive collection of publications includes both single folktales in picture book form that can be read aloud, as well as manuals to help people start telling stories, and story collections that can be read aloud or used to practice storytelling. Take a look at her website for more information!

Would you like a chance to hear more stories and maybe learn to tell some of your own? Check out the PowellsWood Storytelling Festival coming up July 13th & 14th in Federal Way. I hope to see you there!

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